Setting up Time Condition

If you want all the calls to ring at a particular phone number when you are at the office but would like the calls to ring at another phone number, maybe a cell phone number when you are not at the office/ after office hours, you can make use of this feature.

Enabling Time Condition on your Phone Number :

You can set up time conditioning on your handset by using the key *63 followed by the Time Condition ID.

For example: *63625

Let there be a Time Condition ID say 625. Now, to enable Time Condition on your Phone Number, dial *63 followed by 625 from your handset.

You can create a new Time condition here.

Disabling Time Condition on your Phone Number :

To disable the Time Condition set up on your Phone Number or Extension, dial *64 followed by the Time condition ID from your handset,

For example : *64625

Setting up Time Condition as a Speed Dial key :

STEP 1 : Log on to your phone’s web interface, by entering it’s IP in your web browser. The standard username and password is “admin”.

STEP 2 : To programme the keys for the speed Dial, go to the tab "DSS key". This tab consists of all the programmable keys on the device.

For example: If you want to configure key 1 as Time Condition.

  • Go to Linekey2 and select Speed Dial from the drop down menu.

  • Next, To set up Time Condition, enter "Value" as *63 .

  • Name the key ( Ex: Time Condition ).

  • Click on Confirm.

Now, when you press the Time Condition speed dial, it will ask you to enter the Time Condition ID.

Link to create a Time Condition from the Cebod Telecom web portal :

Time Conditions

Last updated